External Visits Coordinator (Virtual half day) – 12th November 2024

Delivered to schools / academies that require an External Visits Coordinator (EVC) to monitor and endorse off-site visits and activities as part of their outdoor education programme and in line with recognised school duties and responsibilities.




Course description

This shortened External Visit Coordinator course is ideal for existing External Visit Coordinators looking to refresh their knowledge in Outdoor Education and the safe and successful delivery of off-site visits in your school or academy. This virtual course provides current updates, and support to new coordinators on the organisation and delivery of successful off-site visits. This course is accredited with the Outdoor Education National Panel, the Governing Body that provides guidance nationally on outdoor education for all schools, academies and learning establishments. The course will also include a refresh to EEC, the health and safety website used to complete risk assessments and external visit applications organised within your setting. Please note that as this course is accredited with The Outdoor Education National Panel, £10 of the course charge helps to fund the panel with its on-going administration costs, guidance and information as published on the Outdoor Education National Guidance website.

Booking information

Cost to Somerset Maintained Schools: £106.00

Cost to all others including Academies: £101.00


Audience information

The course is suitable for both new EVCs and existing EVCs who may wish to refresh their knowledge of the role even though attendance on refresher basis is not mandatory

Course information

12 November, 2024 from 9.30 am to 12.00 pm

Online delivery

Half a day

From £101



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