Our Promise
Somerset Centre for Integrated Learning (SCIL) and Support Services for Education (SSE) are committed to promoting and ensuring the safeguarding of all students, apprentices, learners, trainees, children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010)
All programmes have a named administrator who will be able to support our learners with a range of needs, including signposting or putting in direct contact with a member of the team.
Safeguarding and wellbeing of all our learners at SCIL is how we help everyone to feel as well as be physically and emotionally safe. It is also about how we respond to any incidents of bullying, harm or abuse, whether these are in person or online.
If You Need More Information
Keith Ford is our Designated Safeguarding Lead you can contact him on 0300 123 1967
You can complete a SCIL Safeguarding Referral Form. This will be sent directly to the Designated Safeguarding Lead who will respond appropriately.
Useful Links
SCIL: Support for students, apprentices, learners, trainees and staff
Somerset elim Team: https://www.somerset.org.uk/sites/edtech/Pages/Home.aspx
Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership: https://sscb.safeguardingsomerset.org.uk/
Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board: https://ssab.safeguardingsomerset.org.uk/
Avon and Somerset Police: https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/report/suspicious-activity-terrorism/
Prevent in Somerset:
Actions Counter Terrorism: https://actearly.uk/
SCIL Offer Safeguarding Training Courses
Click here to find the right course for you.